News & Updates

Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines

Effective August 8, 2023, use the above link for the District’s current Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines.

Brazoria Drainage District No. 4 is a political subdivision of the State of Texas.  It’s mission is to control and distribute the storm and floodwaters within its jurisdiction pursuant to Article XVI, Section 59 of the Texas Constitution, Chapters 49 & 56 of the Texas Water Code and all special legislation pertaining to the District.

To achieve this mission, the Board of Commissioners has directed that the District:

  1. Develop sound fiscal procedures to protect taxpayer monies.
  2. Design near-term and long-term goals and objectives.
  3. Establish guidelines for land development that has the potential to impact the distribution of storm and floodwaters.
  4. Schedule labor force and equipment to meet maximum efficiencies and use thereof.
  5. Report plans and program progress to the public through appropriate entities.

The District’s current Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines were approved and adopted at a regular meeting on July 11, 2023 and went into effect on August 8, 2023.


All resolutions associated with the Rules, Regulations, & Guidelines:

Federal Flood Risk Reduction Project – Clear Creek

The Clear Creek Federal Flood Damage Reduction Project is a partnership project between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Harris County Flood Control District, Galveston County, and Brazoria Drainage District No. 4.  As of the June 2019 Project Partnership Agreement between the Corps and the Harris County Flood Control District, the Flood Control District is the lead agency for this project, under a non-federal implementation pilot program authorized by Section 1043(b) of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014.

The portion of this project within the limits of Brazoria Drainage District No. 4 is Clear Creek between SH 288 and Dixie Farm Road and Mary’s Creek from Harkey Road to SH 35.

For more information please click on the following links:

Hazard Mitigation Plan

The District will be holding a stakeholder meeting on August 29, 2024.

The District is in the process of updating it’s Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2025

Please click on the link or scan the QR code below to participate in a survey:

HMP Survey

Brazoria Drainage District No. 4’s Board of Commissioners has adopted the updated Hazard Mitigation Plan at the January 7, 2020 board meeting.

The updated plan can be downloaded at the following link:

  BDD4 Hazard Mitigation Plan (Jan. 2020)

Flood Warning System

Harris County Flood Warning System

In 2018 Brazoria Drainage District No. 4, through the use of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of Pearland and an Inter-local agreement with the Harris County Flood Control District, installed 8 new rain/storm gauges throughout the district (map of gauge locations).

The purpose of this project was to remove the old gauges that the City of Pearland owned and replace them with the newest technology in order to give residents within our jurisdiction real-time monitoring of our local streams and bayous.  The data includes water levels, rainfall amount, historical flooding data, a visual cross-section of the associated drainage channel, and our benchmark information at each gauge station.

When it begins to rain, data-collecting sensors at each gauge station transmit rainfall amounts via radio frequency every time 0.04 inches of rain is measured by the sensor. Sensors that transmit bayou/stream levels report every 0.10 foot rise in water levels.  The sensors transmit information to four primary repeaters located in the Huffman, Clodine, League City, and Tomball areas.The repeaters then relay the data to primary and back-up base stations located at Houston Transtar and at the Harris County Appraisal District. The information is monitored daily by software and by Flood Control District staff to ensure the gauges are properly functioning and transmitting accurate data.

Update: We have are in the process of adding 8 new locations around our District.  Check out the latest map and get live updates via text or email at the Harris County Flood Warning System site:

Flood Warning System Map

More Information:

Brazoria County Stormwater Quality Coalition

   Brazoria County Stormwater Quality Coalition Website

The Brazoria County Stormwater Quality Coalition consists of the City of Lake Jackson, City of Freeport, City of Clute, City of Alvin, City of Richwood, City of Angleton, Brazoria County C & R District No. 3, Brazoria Drainage District No. 4, Angleton Drainage District, Velasco Drainage District, and Brazoria County.  The coalition was formed in August 2007 as an effort by the members to assist one another in complying with stormwater quality regulations established by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Help us improve water quality in Brazoria County.  Please report the following to the stormwater pollution hotline:

  • Illicit discharges
  • Non-compliant construction sites
  • Illegal dumping
  • Other stormwater quality concerns

    Stormwater Pollution Hotlines:

(979) 864-1295

(979) 388-1295

(281) 756-7295

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