Tag: <span>project</span>

Mykawa Drainage Project

This project has been completed

This drainage project is part of the Texas Water Development Board grant program 75/25 local match agreement. The District was awarded the grant to enclose the ditch with reinforced concrete boxes and to construct mitigation ponds associated with the project. The goal of these improvements is to provide flood relief to the surrounding area and localized flooding which includes the neighborhoods of Willowcrest and Willowick.

Cannan Ditch Detention Pond



The District acquired approximately 43-acres adjacent to Cannan Ditch in an area that was identified in the District’s Master Drainage Plan as an area for regional detention.  The District will be able to create approximately 280 acre-feet of detention capacity in an area that has had flood problems in the past.


Under Construction

Longherridge Dr.

This project has been completed

This project is part of a collaborative effort with the City of Pearland

This is a joint partnership project with the City of Pearland that will replace a full 120′ run and a partial run of RCP that has separated.  Both runs will be straighten out the 30″ RCP.  The District will also realign the open ditch to the south which flows into Old Mary’s Creek.


In Progress

Construction Completed

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